TESTED METHODOur goal is to help you succeed in your exam


EASY TO FOLLOWGet your certificate !!!

We know how important passing this test is for you. It may seem hard or even impossible, but with some work and the right materials, you can be ready in very little time. English Test provides a tested method specially designed to help students pass their Cambridge exams (A2 Key, B1 Preliminary, B2 First or C1 Advanced).

We cover the four parts of the exam, with hundreds of exam-type activities to make you practice and get prepared.
Practice anywhere, at home or on the go. On any device.
Only 15 min per day? No problem. Set your own pace to achieve your goal
We are so sure, that we offer you a money-back guarantee if you do not succeed.

Practice the 4 skills



See example


See example

Review vocabulary & grammar

Review & learn specific vocabulary and grammar

Vocabulary and Grammar are the building blocks of a language. With EnglishTest you will review all the vocabulary and grammar that you need in each level, with more than 60 lessons and in each block. Flashcards, fill-in-the-blank, quizzes, .. different types of exercises to make your experience more fun.


Practice Exams

Test yourself with complete exams that mimic the authentic ones

Once you have practiced the skills and the building blocks, you will be able to take Practice exams that replicate the authentic ones. This way you will test your skills with the same format and restrictions that you will have when you take your exam. This is a unique way to challenge yourself and be better prepared for the exam day.


„English Test is a MUST for anyone interested in bettering their testing skills.”

KATHY SIMMONSEnglish Teacher
Cambridge Test Examiner
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